What are we assuming here?

The world is full of assumptions. What are they for, when do they help and when can they be rather unhelpful? In this article I am trying to answer some of that, in my own way and as always (disclaimer) void of any medical training or empirical evidence. Reason why I am writing about this subject …

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Grab your Tambourine

After decades of increasing peace and prosperity, the last few years feel like a social and geopolitical paradigm shift; a sociopath gets elected to the Whitehouse, a pandemic lames the world like never before, Pyongyang and Tehran go nuclear, a major war breaks out in mainland Europe and Berlin and Tokyo , historically brotherly cloaked …

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From Dissociation to Resilience

Our receptiveness to the world can be blunted; in a world where news is live streamed to all our devices, we see suffering around the world 24-7, and there is ample. Fortunately there are initiatives to share more positive news as well, and you can find lots of heart-warming stories of human kindness and generosity. That …

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The joyful art of Forgiving

One of the most powerful aspects of human nature; forgiving is now needed more than ever. As countries wage war, trade wars continue to escalate, political opponents continue to fight and demagogues are on the rise in many countries, there will be reconciling to do when the dust settles. Forgiveness is often misunderstood, considered a …

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In with the new, keep the old

As I am seeing my son grow up, I am asking myself what every parent must wonder: how to spend quality time with him. This came to my mind this morning; I promised my son that we would build a light house in Minecraft, as seen in one of the gaming guides. But first we …

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Budget Delusion

The Holiday season; we just finished another one. A season to think more celestial thoughts, aim for a higher purpose. Spiritually, but also financially. In the last months of the year, companies faithfully draft a budget based on which their will be assessed for the following year. Bosses remunerate their teams based on them. Line …

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Ant hill disrupted

Not many people identify with ants (perhaps for a brief moment after the release of the Marvel action blockbuster Ant-Man). For most of us they are not in the forefront of our mind. The are too small to matter in our big and fast paced world. Despite their incredible strength, relative to their mass, their size …

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