
Four Categories Of Humans

When I look at people through a mental wellbeing lens, I roughly distinguish four types: 1) the naturally balanced person; 2) the traumatised person that is unaware of its trauma; 3) the traumatised person that is aware of its trauma but doesn’t have a solution; and finally 4) the traumatised person that has found working …

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Conventional Wisdom; contradiction in terms?

Conventions. It seems that most of mankind lives and dies by them. Dogma’s imprinted in us during early childhood on every little aspect of our life; never to be lazy, seek a “proper” job, become respectable by earning lots of money, assimilate your appearance to your surrounding. And where does that get us? Many people …

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Living with cPTSD with Eric Trijbels

He is paying forward the guidance that he received from his therapists and support groups, through his pro bono mental wellbeing work and he started writing a book about his life journey. Listen to the full episode.

Tolerance for Intolerance

How much of it should we have? My intuition would shoot from the hip with an immediate “Zero!”. But does that really help? Does it make the situation better.”? True enough, as a company policy, zero tolerance could work, depending how you define intolerance. Wikipedia defines it as unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from …

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What is Love?

… Baby don’t hurt me…. Those who remember the 90’s will get the pun, but this is a question that has been occupying my mind for decades. (It shocks even me that I have earned the right to say that, I certainly don’t feel that old) There are little concepts so laden with convention than …

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We should all just stop thinking

Many humans seem to think that thinking is our greatest accomplishment. Descartes famously took it one step further and penned down the line “I think, therefore I am”, suggesting that if you don’t think, you don’t exist. So why would I be making a statement such as that we should all stop thinking? I could …

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Father Figure (?)

So much is written about being a mother, you might think that all fathers know what to do. I for one don’t. And it is time we spoke about that. We someone becomes a father these days – assuming its planned – there has often been quite a bit of preparation. Hipsters have sat through …

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How well do we understand our “Self”?

For such a self-centred species, humans have surprisingly little understand of Self. Now I hear you thinking; “Do you mean, that we don’t understand ourselves or we don’t understand the general concept of self?”. Both, I would argue, and in this article I explain what I mean. As always I am sharing my personal views …

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Something bigger?

Most people beyond their teens have at some stage asked ourselves this question: “There must be something bigger then this in life?” Some of us get to this point early in life. I have seen people ask this question in their early twenties. Some get this awareness much later or never. For me it started …

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Roles and Relevance

When discussing last week’s article on social interaction with a friend, I came a shocking insight, I struggle to function without a proper role! And this may well be the case for many of us. In the previous article I am concluding that I am not comfortable engaging in social interaction if I don’t play …

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